the new wave of agriculture

bridging us To the world of Agriculture

ASYRS BRIDGE: A modern farming advisory services firm that focuses on creating equitable access to the agricultural industry at large, provides expertise on creating regenerative agricultural systems, and connects historically underserved farmers with federal, state and private resources to develop thriving communities.

We create equitable access to the agricultural industry at large, provide expertise on creating regenerative agricultural systems, and connect historically underserved farmers with federal, state and private resources to develop thriving communities.

organizing and empowering bipoc farmers

We modernize our agriculturalists

We are California’s BIPOC urban farmer resource center and data hub, and are actively bringing our urban and rural farmers to the 23rd Century. Our connection to the land and to the agricultural industry has been severed.  It is time to bridge Us back.

Get access to industry expertise and resources

Learn the ins and outs of federal, state and local funding

Get connected with innovative agricultural projects

Our Services

let us build with you

Urban to rural agricultural project development

Building the bridge between urban agricultural talent and large scale rural opportunities

regenerative agriculture project consulting

Providing guidance on structuring, financing and maintaining regenerative agricultural projects


Plugging your farm into the state and federal policy universes

the resurrection of regenerative farming is here

book a consultation now!

Our approach

we have the tools to make your enterprise relevant

Farming doesn’t have to be boring.  Farming is vibrant and essential.  Allow us to tell your story.

social media campaigns

Bring your farm to the digital age, and develop the platform for expansion.

business structure development

Treat your farm like a modern business: Build it right on the front end to meet the requirements of the times.

policy trainings

Learn how to engage your state, local and federal representatives, and drive the levers of public policy.

bipoc supply chain development

Utilize our network of buyers to develop a plan of action for bringing your products to market.

the resurrection of regenerative farming is here

subscribe for updates and critical ag news!


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    Nancy Davis Customer

    Lorem ipsum is simply free text dolor not sit amet, consectetur notted adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore text.

    Nancy Davis Customer

    Lorem ipsum is simply free text dolor not sit amet, consectetur notted adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore text.

    Nancy Davis Customer

    Lorem ipsum is simply free text dolor not sit amet, consectetur notted adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore text.

    Nancy Davis Customer